Recovery-Friendly Campus Pledge

What is a Recovery-Friendly Campus Pledge?

By signing ROC’s Recovery-Friendly Campus (RFC) pledge, post-secondary leaders commit to ROC’s best practice model, making addiction recovery a priority and taking concrete steps towards implementing the 8 criteria of the RFC Pledge (see below) in a timely manner.

What is recovery from addiction?

Recovery from addiction is about more than reducing or stopping problematic substance use and/or behaviours (e.g., gambling, gaming, eating). It is an active, non-linear process of change through which individuals improve their bio-psycho-social-spiritual health and well-being, build community and find a sense of purpose. Recovery is more than individual change; it’s about co-creating communities and environments that support people across all recovery pathways so they can reach their full potential.

ROC’s Best Practice Model: Campuses must make a commitment to follow ROC’s Best Practice Model and will be required to report to ROC on pledge progress annually:

1. Acknowledge all recovery pathways and stages are valid.

2. Reduce stigma on campus through education and awareness.

3. Build community through peer support, substance-free events, and creating safe spaces on campus for faculty, staff, and students who are in recovery or seeking recovery.

4. Make readily available, through partnerships with ROC, resources pertaining to addiction recovery.

5. Assist in connecting campus members who are struggling with substances and/or behavioural addictions to treatment and/or other recovery services.

6. Increase inclusion by reducing the recovery-threatening nature of campus culture.

Why a Recovery-Friendly Campus Pledge?

The RFC Pledge is a step towards achieving ROC’s mission of co-creating, championing, and sustaining addiction recovery programs that support and celebrate all recovery pathways for campus communities across Alberta. The RFC Pledge is inspired by the United Kingdom’s RFC pledge (Recovery Connections) and Tennessee’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Certified Recovery Friendly Campus. While this criterion is specific, we respect that each PSI will implement the pledge in a manner that respects its unique culture, processes, and policies. If you are unsure about any of the below criteria, ROC’s leadership team is here to support all partnered PSIs.

8 Pledge Criteria

1. Provide peer-centred, all-recovery pathways programming for students and employees.

2. Raise awareness, educate and advocate about addiction recovery to reduce stigma.

3. Ensure that recovery is normalized, valued, and celebrated through increased visibility.

4. Provide a recovery-friendly space on campus to build community.

5. Create recovery-friendly events and activities on campus.

6. Ensure that student and employee support teams meet the needs of campus members along the addiction-recovery spectrum.

7. Increase awareness and address the needs of family members/friends of campus members in or seeking recovery.

8. Promote inclusive campus life by addressing systemic barriers for campus members along the addiction-recovery spectrum.

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